AIS Analysis & Playback#

AIS Analysis allows users to view and analyze historical AIS data that Theia offers. Playback lets the user rewind time and observe the movement and behavior of vessels at a specific past date and time. This can be particularly useful for maritime surveillance, fleet monitoring, and understanding traffic patterns in busy shipping lanes.

The Rectangle Tool#


Use the Rectangle tool to highlight an AOI for Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) analysis.

Click and drag a box over the AOI you are interested in.


Then select the date period required within the slider bar by clicking on the start and end date boxes.


Once the date range is selected, please click the Load AIS button on the slider bar. This will load the AIS data within the highlighted area.


By clicking and holding the slider, drag it to show a visual representation of the AIS information in 15-minute increments.


Individual vessels can then be selected for analysis.


Show Future Path Prediction#

Future Path Prediction predicts the most probable path a vessel will take over the next 24 hours based on several pre-determined factors and user-inputted information.


Using several pre-determined factors and a selection of user-inputted information, see the most probable path the vessel will likely take over the next 24 hours.

To begin with, the Extended Path will be visible.


Once you select the Show Future Path Prediction button, a box will appear requiring user input.


On the screen it will appear like this:


To locate the speed, length, heading, and type of vessel, please look in the vessel toolbar under Ship Info and Voyage Info.

../_images/97.jpg ../_images/98.jpg

In this example, the correct inputs are as follows.


Once these have been added, please select the View Path Prediction button.


Next, this icon along with Path Prediction Process Started, informing you that the process has started. Please see below.


As this processes, it will update you as shown below.


You will notice that this icon will display a percentage similar to the following:

../_images/105.jpg ../_images/106.jpg ../_images/107.jpg

You will also see a brief description of the specific step, before it displays that it has been completed.

A slider bar may appear.


The slider bar shows a 24-hour prediction, at 15-minute intervals, of the most likely location of the selected vessel. Examples below show after 12 hours and at a maximum of 24 hours. The red circle indicates the most likely location with the surrounding blue-shaded area, other potential areas. These can split into two or more areas depending on the factors inputted and global location.

12 hours


24 hours


To exit this tool, please select the Exit Slider button.

Clear Selections#


Clears all selections of the vessel, or vessels, you are currently viewing.